Ilan Gur's Farewell Letter to Activate Fellows

Today is our founding CEO Ilan Gur's last day at Activate before he takes the helm of the U.K.’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA). 

It’s inspiring to reflect on Ilan’s Activate legacy, from launching a pilot project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to building a network of four Activate Fellowship communities, coast to coast, that has supported nearly 150 science entrepreneurs who have launched more than 100 companies that otherwise might not have existed! Ilan identified a gap in the science-to-market ecosystem and established a new model of innovation, creating a path forward for scientists on a mission to change the world. 

And since Activate Fellows always have been and always will be at the center of Activate, we’re sharing, with his permission, Ilan’s farewell letter to them. 

Ilan, from all of us, we thank you. We will miss you and promise to continue to make you proud of Activate and the impact of our fellows. As you always say, onward!

Ilan Gur’s letter to Activate Fellows

July 18, 2022

Dear Activate Fellows and Alums,

I want to share some big news with you because you are the heart and soul of Activate.  

This evening, Activate and the government of the United Kingdom will announce my appointment as Founding CEO of the newly established Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA). With a billion-dollar initial funding commitment, ARIA is designed to support ground-breaking R&D that can transform people’s lives for the better.

In order to assume this new role, I will have to step down as CEO of Activate. This was an extraordinarily difficult decision for me personally, but the opportunity to shape and lead ARIA is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—one that will allow me to build on all our great work at Activate and continue to demonstrate on a global level that empowering scientists-on-a-mission can change the world. 

Today's news is a huge validation at the global level of what we have accomplished together, and it's only possible because of how powerful Activate has grown as an organization, community, and force for good in the world.  

At the fellows retreat and 2022 Activate Summit, I watched as our new cohort of 39 brilliant scientists and engineers from across the country met for the first time and bonded over shared thrills, challenges, and learnings - in a way that only happens at Activate. It was magical.

But the most special part for me was seeing with clear eyes the source of that magic. It came from every member of our incredible team, whose leadership and dedication shines through in ways big and small every day. It came from you: members of all eight (!) cohorts bringing your unique strengths, experiences, and networks to inspire and enrich one another. And perhaps most importantly it came from a common language, trust, and sense of purpose.

Seeing just how powerful Activate is today as an organization and as a community filled me with immense pride. It also made it very obvious to me that this transition is happening right on time. Activate is built for scale, with the talent, resources, and infrastructure in place to preserve our magic and continue achieving our large ambitions. 

It’s now time to collectively turn to writing the exciting next chapter of Activate's story. There is work to be done, and everyone is stepping into their roles:

  • Activate's executive team and managing directors are continuing to lead and manage the organization's work, and are available as always to connect with you and find ways to support you on your journey.

  • Activate's board of directors has done an incredible job developing a transition plan built to support and empower our team while launching an ambitious and open search for a new CEO.

  • I will remain CEO until August 15 and then continue to support Activate, formally as an executive advisor through the transition and informally for the rest of my life (and perhaps beyond if we can get a future fellow to figure that out!).

During the transition, we are so grateful to have Activate board member Todd Johnson stepping up and in as interim CEO. Todd has been a trusted advisor and mentor to Activate and me since the very beginning and knows the organization and our people inside and out. 

My single ask here is that you also consider your role. You're receiving this email because above all else, you have made Activate what it is today, and we see you as the most critical source of the magic that will fill the pages of our next chapter. As I “graduate” from my current role, I’m committed to showing up for this community throughout my life and career. I hope you’ll take this opportunity to reaffirm your personal commitment to do the same.

From the start, Activate has been a “fellows first” organization. The quality, dedication, success, and trusted bonds of our fellows remain the core strength of this organization and that extends beyond any individual. Our definition of success is your success, and your stories will always be far more important than ours. That will not change. I hope you will see this news as a win for our community and a testament to the strength, impact, and reputation of Activate that you’ve helped build.



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